Monday, May 9, 2011

The Urge to Express

I read a lot of blogs on various topics. I especially try to read as much about Anusara Yoga and what's going on with the kula as much as possible. Just yesterday I read this great post by Anusara teacher Christina Sell talking about "the urge to express".

She puts this topic into words much more eloquently than I probably would, so I suggest you read it. When she talks about communicating the intensity of her inner experience - I just nod in understanding. It's a little long if you're not all that into mostly text-based blogging, but I highly recommend it.

Here's a little excerpt from Christina's Post:

"It's kind of like having a pebble in your shoe, I think. The urge to express is a kind of discontent a lot of times, for me. It's certainly not always easy. For me it's more like an irritant, a disturbance of sorts, an inner unsettling that doesn't go away until the words get down on paper, until the speech is made, until the letter gets written, the class is taught, the asana is performed, the meal is made, or the cake is baked. I guess sure, at the non-dual level the expressive aspect is "blissful" (ananda) but for me in the relative domain, in the refracted, more contracted form called me, it's more often a feeling of frustration that exists on a scale of mild to severe."

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