Friday, September 23, 2011

♥ Anusara Yoga Class with Marie Lumholtz ♥

Each week I've been posting a new video for the 30 day challenge. Since this is the last week of the challenge - this is the last video. I've stepped up the length of class again - it's like 1.5 hours long. It's a full Anusara class with Marie Lumholtz... yay! Because it's Youtube, it may take a while to buffer through the whole thing. So I suggest you let it buffer while you do something else and come back to it later... unless of course you actually have great internet... then disregard this whole chit chat about the buffering.

Finish the 30 days off strong and you will sail right into a daily practice that lasts a lifetime.

These videos are all being added to the original 30 Day Yoga Challenge page, so if you've marked that post then you'll easily have access to all videos.

If you are just hearing about the challenge: You can begin at anytime, so start today!

Readers via Email - Click Here for the Video.

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