Monday, January 16, 2012

90 Minute Asana Practice in 3 Minutes

My Thursday and Friday were pretty well spent on making my first video ever. Made this on my phone. In the process I learned more about my phone, about how inept I am with video editing software, about how confusing copyright law is, and how much more nervous I am about sharing videos than pictures. I'm thinking I'll make more videos later, but for now I'll just let this one go out into the world and mature on its own.

So this video is a 90 minute practice that I did - and I then chopped it up into a million pieces and threw 95% of the pieces away. What's left is like a super speed highlight reel of that day's work. Hopefully you like it. If you do - share it around. If you hate it - show it around too. blech.

Asana Practice in 3 Minutes from April Armistead on Vimeo.

Some of you may have already seen this on Elephant Journal, Twitter, Reddit, Tumblr, or on plenty of other sites I don't quite follow. Thanks to everyone who's been posting it. ♥

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