Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Wishes

Tomorrow is Christmas, so we must have a frivolous picture-filled Christmas post. Anything less would be tragic. Somewhere in there you'll see my first (and last) attempt at decorating a gingerbread house. It was a kit with the house pre-built, and the icing made me want to punch random people in the face. All things considered - it's not terrible, but I don't think I'll be doing that anymore. I just wanted to take today to wish you all endless warm hugs and happy hearts. Have a terrific weekend embodying your best self ♥

Another quick story: This ribbon angel ornament I've had for like 11 years. It was a gift from an ex-boyfriend's mom. When we went out she never liked me (said I was "too wild") but years later (when he and I were just friends) she thought I was so sweet (HA) and made me this ornament. Thanks Mrs. Diaz!


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