Friday, March 18, 2011

The Sky is Falling

I don't know a whole lot about dreams and whether or not their content actually means anything. I like to think that they do mean something, but I sure don't know what on earth it is. Friday seems like a good day to randomly post meaningless stuff, yeah?

This week I've dreamed about cars falling out of the sky onto me, taking a bath full of butterflies and socks, doing a dropback and falling sideways into a bunch of people, having tea with John Friend, and swimming with baby whales while watching nameless creatures glow in the dark of the sea. Yep, it's all over the place... but it's always interesting.  Kinda like life.

Today I did a 3 hour morning practice all about balancing poses. I also realized I need to write up some new class plans. It's been like 9 months since I last did that. I've learned lots of new things since then that I need to integrate into my practice - for reals.

PS:  If you know anything about dreams or just want to throw a wild fiction story my way - let me know what you think some of those crazy dreams could be saying. Also - if you want to share a strange dream you had... please do.

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