Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Mantra Mantra Mantra Mantra Mantra

For possibly every single thing we do in yoga a modification is available. Not every method is ideal for every person, so we have these lovely alternate practices available.

Let's talk about using mantras for meditation. Mantras help a lot of people meditate. They can focus the mind, help grow an attention span, and maybe even walk someone right to the doorstep of samadhi. However, mantra isn't for everyone and here is one reason why.

Mantra for an obsessive compulsive individual is just obsession food. For those that obsess - or get something stuck in their head like a little broken record - mantras are just a formal way to obsess. Mantra helps a lot of people focus, but the OCD mind is constantly focusing. Fixated on one little thing to the point that the mind just can't deal with anything else. Therefore, for the OCD set, mantra is more agitating than helpful.  The obsessive compulsive mind could really use a little less focus for a while. Meditation can provide a healing quiet respite for the obsessive mind, but not with mantra.

Mantra Alternatives:  Meditation with a lighter focus like observing the breath or a glowing light in your heart-space are much more kind to the obsessive mind. Maybe even trying to not focus on anything at all, and instead just seeing the light through their eyelids will be a more healing sanctuary. When you notice yourself obsessing over something (in meditation or otherwise) - lengthen your spine, take a deep breath and smile. Simply start over with a clear positive mindspace.

Photo Source: This bird is obsessed with being a bird. Pic and story here at Hyperbole and a Half.

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