Friday, January 25, 2013

Healthy Vegetarian Eats

If you've been unfortunate enough to have oral surgery of any kind then you're familiar with having nothing to eat for a few days but the likes of pudding and meal replacement shakes. I tire of the same food excessively fast. After all the tomato soup and spaghettios-esque meals - I may never eat tomato-based products again. (Never say Never.)  By the end of week One I was watching an unappealing amount of FoodTV and I investigated a lot of food pins on Pinterest. I've been kind of obsessed. I really love food. Adam got some interesting meals out of it anyway.

Here's some yummy-looking items that I came across in my time spent glued to pictures of edibles. It just so happens they're all meat-free.

Broccoli Parmesan Fritters:
I love broccoli so I can't wait to make this. Click through for the recipe, and some serving ideas. Like topped with egg, garlic-lemon yogurt, or homemade ricotta.

Green Bean, Mushroom, and Caramelized Onion Tart:
I've never had a tart of any kind, and I don't actually like mushrooms. However, these pictures have sold me on this delicious looking recipe. Suggested as an appetizer or a light meal.

Portobello Mushroom and Kale Stroganoff:
I love the look of this way healthier version of the always delightful stroganoff. Looks easy to make which is always a plus no matter how experienced you are in the kitchen.

Find these recipes and more on my Food Pinterest Board.

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