Sunday, January 13, 2013

My camera charger is MIA...

Do you know what my cell phone camera and a potato have in common? They both same the same quality photos!...and I'm only slightly exaggerating!

With my move a few months ago I somehow managed to misplace the battery charger for my Canon and I am so sad! I suppose I should be thankful that the two fully charged batteries that I did have lasted as long as they did, but I'm really not looking forward to buying a new charger (especially since the old one will turn up soon after). In the meantime, I'm going to search for a new camera app that will hopefully make better use of the alleged 8 megapixel camera that my phone has. The past few manis I did I've only taken photos with my phone, so bear with me on the quality and lack of pictures. I'm going to throw them all into this post and hopefully I'll have my camera up and running again soon! 

For this first mani, I was lacking a bit of inspiration and ended up making my boyfriend sift through my polishes and find some colors he wanted me to use. After much deliberation, he ended up choosing Butter London's Disco Biscuit and OPI's Gold Shatter. I've used Disco Biscuit before but the Gold Shatter was new to me. My mom actually surprised me with it when I was visiting home over the holidays when she found out that in all my collection, I did not have one shatter polish! She's kind of great :) 

Bryce made sure to check up on me a few times through out my polishing process to make sure I was using the colors he chose. Very important business ;)

My next mani used Zoya's Wednesday. If you're in the market for the perfect turquoise, look no further! This is a muddier turquoise which you can tell a bit easier from the second photo (sunlight makes it seem much brighter). This was just a fun simple mani and used striping tools and dotting tools to make it happen. 

 This is a simple Jelly Sandwich mani that uses China Glaze's It's A Trap-eze and the pink/purple jelly is OPI's Houston, We Have a Purple. I know so many people were raving about It's A Trap-eze when it first came out, but I don't particularly like how this looks by itself on me. That being said, it was the easiest polish I've ever applied. No worrying about streaking in any way. 

Phew! Okay! Last one! This one used China Glaze's Exotic Encounters (the gorgeous green!), Kalahari Kiss (yellow) and I Herd That (golden glitter). I really REALLY love Exotic Encounters! When I showed Bryce and told him the name, he informed me that that wasn't a real name for a polish. So I asked what it should be called...apparently "kinda green with some blues" is a much more appropriate name! Look out China Glaze polish namers, you've got some competition ;)

I added the taped Chevrons and wanted to do this green justice, but I think the Kalahari Kiss ended up looking too mustardy combined with the green. 

Happy Polishing! 

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