Wednesday, December 28, 2011

A Shift Not Unlike an Earthquake

Lately I've noticed a shift in my practice. Everything about it has changed. The music I play, the lighting I want, the time of day - the atmosphere is totally different. I haven't practiced with a set sequence in months and when I do practice lately it's much more internal. I'm more present in my breath and even the way I place my hands has changed. If that makes sense. 

There is much more internal and a lot less external happening. I'm still doing a lot of the same poses and I'm working just as hard, but the way I'm doing it has changed. I feel differently about it and there's a lot less dancing and singing. There's actually more flow and yet more awareness too. I'm assuming this is temporary, but I really like it. Of course I really enjoyed the dancing, singing, and planning too.

I'm enjoying fully inhabiting my body and that is still the same. 
There's just a lot more silence and candles right now.

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