Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Winter Party and a PSA

I went to Adam's company Winter Party on Friday, so I wanted to share some pics from the occasion. I never go anywhere - it's kinda noteworthy. I think the last time I wore heels I was getting married, and that was back in 2002. Nonetheless - someone even asked me how to walk in heels, so I must fake it okay.

Here's my yogic PSA for the day - Ladies please stop wearing heels all the time. They're horrible for your feet - and therefore bad for your knees, hips, and spine.

Adam at our table, food by the snowflakes, bar by the big white things.
Disco ball and a video.
Theme was "A Night in Vegas" - most of these people are gambling with play money.

The band played funk, wore giant wigs, and dressed super 70's. Fun!
Believe it or not - all that stuff came inside that stocking.

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