Friday, May 11, 2012

Clean Nutrition for Yogis

I've made no secret of my love of cake and really all things delicious. I'd be one of those really lean muscley yoginis if I actually made a stronger effort to eat less dessert and snack food.

All that aside - I otherwise eat clean. In my house we've completely sworn off frying foods and as someone who grew up in Texas - that's kind of a big deal. I've wanted to write more about the topic of food for a long time. It's just such a deep topic and I'm sort of lazy about writing sometimes.

So when I saw this post called "Eat Clean: Nutrition for Yogis" over at Alive in the Fire - I figured I'd pass along this great article "on ways to maximize the benefit of the foods you eat before and after class in order to get a great yoga flow." instead of having to write my own. No point in reinventing the wheel.

Go read it.


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