Thursday, May 3, 2012

Yoga Journal Out of Ideas

Yesterday I received my June 2012 Yoga Journal in my mailbox. Upon first glance I felt like I'd seen this picture before. Had it been a cover before? Why did it look so damn familiar? Even Adam said it looked familiar so I knew it wasn't just me. I did about five minutes of digging and while it doesn't appear to have been a cover - a photo that was obviously from the same photo session was featured in the 2010 Yoga Journal Calendar. I know there are plenty of yogis and photographers with the talent and drive to be on the cover of Yoga Journal, so why are they using old pictures?

Nothing against Sarah Tomson Beyer (frequent YJ model and current cover girl) because she has just as much right to be on the cover and in the mag as many times as anyone else. I applaud her. But two year old (or more) pictures? Really? They could at least take new photos of her. It's almost exactly the same pic from the calendar. I know it looks like I have no life to remember this and actually go look it up, but that's fine with me and Yoga Journal is clearly all out of fresh ideas. Or at least pictures.

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